
L'équipe de Hand qualifiée au Championnat de France

Par A S, publié le samedi 2 mars 2024 14:18 - Mis à jour le samedi 2 mars 2024 19:18
Les élèves de l'équipe de handball juniors sont champions interacadémiques et se qualifient pour le Championnat de France prévu à Dreux. Bravo à Loueye pour la rédaction de l'article !


On February 14th, Valentine’s Day, the Doisneau team went to Issoire. We left our high school at 9 am and we came to Issoire at 12 pm. Arrived there, first, we played high school Murat in Issoire.  Our players won the first match by a score of 24 to 39 and got off to a great start. Second the Doisneau team won a second time against high school Gustave Jaume from Pierrelatte and finished first and became inter-academic champions!


The high school players will travel to Dreux in the Paris area from April 2 to 5 to take part in the French championship and will do their utmost to represent our school in the best possible way and try to do better than last year. As a reminder, the Doisneau players went to Limoges last year and finished in 7th place, with some regret.


By Belarbi Loueye February 15, 2024